Photo Books and Railway Postcards

Orizzonte ferrovia

The new book "Orizzonte ferrovia", scheduled for September 2006, has been cancelled, due to printing issues. Nevertheless, three years later, the whole book is available in the photo gallery of this site, with large images (1024 pixel) and complete text and captions (Italian only, at present). Open the book.


'The Train History' and 'Tracks from Evening to Morning'

FS Railway Postcards

48 postcards are available, subdivided into five series.

1st Series. San Lorenzo-Ospedaletti (8 postcards)
2nd Series. Railway: History and Landscape (8 postcards)

The first eight postcards deal with the section San Lorenzo-Ospedaletti of the Riviera Ligure railway. This section was closed in September 2001 and replaced by a new tunnel. To remember the old line along the seaside, 8 postcards are available, with the most interesting trains of the last 20 years, shown in the most beautiful places of the line.
The last 8 postcards show different FS trains in the Italian landscape.

Series 1+2 preview.

3rd Series. FS Electric Locomotives (16 postcards)

16 postcards, showing all most important Groups of Italian DC electric engines, from E.626 to E.402B.

Series 3 preview.

NEW! 4th Series. FS (8 postcards)
NEW! Serie 5. Rotabili elettrici FS (8 postcards, photos by Matteo Cerizza)

New pictures of FS electric railcars (EMU's) from ALe 790 to ALe 582 and other electric engines.

Series 4+5 preview.

NEW! Tracks in Milan (Binari a Milano) Part Two

38 colour photos of trains and tram that travelled in Milan during the last 20 years, including Ferrovie Nord Milano trains and interurban tram network.
Read here additional information on this book.

Price: 10 Euro

Tracks from Evening to Morning (Binari da sera a mattina)

41 colour photos of sunsets, night views and dawns, between the Riviera and the Alpi.
Rolling stock includes 981, D.345, D.445, E.428, E.424, E.636, E.645, E.646, E.444R, E.656 , E.633, E.402, ALe 790, ALe 880, ALe 883, ALe 840, ALe 660, ALe 724, ALn 668, ALn 663, ALn 668 SATTI, E.610 FNM.
Read here further information on the book.

Price: 10 Euro

The Train History (La storia del treno)

54 black & white pictures of trains in the Italian landscape.
Read here further information on the book.

Price: 15 Euro

Signs of a Railway (Segni di ferrovia)

55 black & white photos with locos and railcars of the following groups: 625, 640, 685, 740, 830, 880, 981, ALn 990, ALn 773, ALn 668, ALn 663, D.345, E.554, E.626, E.428, E.636, E.424, E.645, E.646, E.444, E.656, E.633, ALe 840, ALe 540, ETR 300, RABe 1050.
Read here further information on the book.

Price: 15 Euro

'Signs of a Railway' and 'Tracks along Riviera'

Tracks along Riviera (Il binario in Riviera)

28 colour photos, from San Remo to Cinque Terre, from 1985 to 2001.

SOLD OUT! No reprint is scheduled.

Tracks in Milano (Binari a Milano)

SOLD OUT! The second volume is available (se top of page).

How to buy

To order, just send money (cash in an envelope) to:

Giorgio Stagni
via Govone 100
I 20155 Milano
clearly stating your address and the book and/or postcards you want. Daily shipping!
All prices include shipping costs.

Special Price!

If you buy many articles at the same time,special discount prices apply.
Discounts are also granted for large orders (4 books/postcard series or more).

For details, please mail to

English & German Translation

Books and postcards have Italian captions. An English translation is provided on a separate leaflet for all books and postcards shipped abroad.
A German translation will be probably available too, if the request from the German-speaking areas is large enough.

Other postcards

The Treno Club Savona has prepared 16 postcards with Italian and Swiss trains and a new series of 18 postcards.
Click here for details.


The new Photo-CD "I colori dei treni" is available.
Read here for details (in Italian).

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