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"Elettrotreni" | |
FS ETR.300 »Settebello«
Painted together with Franco Sartori and Claudio Vianini Epoche 3-4 |
FS ETR.250 »Arlecchino«
This unit should not need any presentation, as it is one of the symbols of the Italian Railways of the Sixties. The four Arlecchino were built in 1960, just in time for the Olympic Games in Rome; their appearance is strictly derived from that of the Settebello, the first luxury train built after the war (1952): the two "Belvedere", where travellers could have an amazing view of the railway line, remain a sensational unique case at European level. Although externally similar to the Settebello, Arlecchino was an innovative train from a technical point of view: the bogies were of a completely new design and represent the first bogies realised by FS for high speed trains (up to 180 km/h): electric multiple units of the ALe 601 family share the same bogies, and these were later retrofitted to Settebello and rebuilt ETR 220's. The name "Arlecchino" is linked to the fact that the interior decoration of the four coaches is based on four different shades. The present story of Arlecchino is not so nice to tell: after the end of regular services at the end of the 1980's, the Arlecchino were used for charter services up to about 1995; then a misunderstood austerity policy of the new FS direction, in which history clearly could not have a place, led to the dismissing of the charter fleet, the demolition of some Arlecchino and of two Settebello (those which still had original furniture!). The survived exemplars are presently unused, waiting for better times - or pulling down. Epoche 4 Transparenter Hintergrund |
FS ETR. 220
Epoche 4-5 Transparenter Hintergrund |
FS ETR.401 »Pendolino«
Painted by Claudio Pepe. Epoche 4 Transparenter Hintergrund |
FS ETR.250 »Arlecchino« (Ansicht bei Nacht)
Epoche 4 Transparenter Hintergrund |
Brescia-Iseo-Edolo (SNFT -> FNM) | |
SNFT Cne + B68
The diesel electric Cne 510 engine was built in 10 units, in 1961, and was used for freight trains to and from the steelworks present in the upper part of the Edolo Valley. It was also used for passenger trains composed of B68 trailers. Four units have been overhauled and are still working in green livery. Epoche 4 Transparenter Hintergrund |
SNFT Cne + Güterzug Rovato-Sellero
Epoche 4 Transparenter Hintergrund |
FNM D.343 + Regional train Breno-Iseo
D.343.1034 with two Bz80, as it is still used for some trains for school services. The loco is a single unit bought from FS. Coaches are second-hand former SBB vehicles, similar to those running on FNM network. Epoche 6 Transparenter Hintergrund |
Dampf Züge | |
FS 640 + Local train Alessandria-Cavallermaggiore (1973)
reproduced from a photo on the book Il paesaggio dei treni by Paolo Gregoris. Epoche 4 Transparenter Hintergrund |
FS 740 + Güterzug (1975)
Die Zeit ist weiter fortgeschritten und Mitte der 70er Jahre charakterisiert eine bunte Mischung aus modernen und altertümlichen Elementen die letzte Zeit der Dampflok-Ära. Die Dampflok zieht ein Sammelsurium aus traditionellen FS Güterwagen und einigen europäischen Wagen der verschiedensten Gattungen. Epoche 4 |
Elektrotriebwagen | |
FS ALe 803
Painted by Franco Sartori Epoche 3-5 |
FS Freccia della Laguna (1962-1982) - ALe 601
ALe 601 represent the more elegant, comfortable and fast electric units built by FS. They have been delivered along a decade, starting from 1960 and are subdivided into three series, plus different trailers. The train here reproduced is the exact composition of the famous Freccia della Laguna and includes, left to right: ALe 601 (3rd series) + Le 601 Bozen-Rome; ALe 601 (2nd series) + Restaurant Le 480 + Trailer with luggage compartment Le 481 Trieste-Rome; Le 481 + Le 601 + ALe 601 (1st series) Udine-Venice S. Lucia-Rome. At present ALe 601 run with local trains in Veneto, unfortunately in the awful XMPR livery, or have been rebuilt into 4-units trains (ALe 841). Epoche 3-4 Transparenter Hintergrund |
FS ALe 801
Diese Triebwagen wurden 1977-78 als verbesserte Nachfolger der ALe 803 gebaut, die die ersten Triebwagen waren, die speziell für den Pendelverkehr um Großstädte entwickelt wurden. Der ALe 801 bot in seinen 4 Wagen 390 Plätze (anstatt 3 Wagen beim ALe 803), war bis zu 140 km/h schnell und hatte eine - nur dieser Gattung zugeordnete - sehr strahlende, attraktive Lackierung. Alle Einheiten sind noch heute um Mailand, Genua, Venedig, Rom usw. im Betrieb, aber ... im Frühling 2000 verloren sie leider ihr schönes orange. Heute sind alle Fahrzeuge dem neuen Standard Aussehen weiß/grün "XMPR" angepaßt. Dieses wurde für alle (!) FS Loks, Wagen, Elektro- und Dieseltriebwagen eingeführt (und das ist schrecklich: zu strahlendes weiß, zu dunkles grün, zu viel Kontrast, zu schmutzempfindlich - aber das ist natürlich eine persönliche Meinung) Epoche 4-6 |
FS E.623 "Varesina" (former 3rd rail)
For over forty years the family of "Varesine" represented a typical aspect of everyday commuting services in the area of Milano. The E.623 group was derived from the rebuilding of former third-rail electric units, no more required after the war, when the third-rail 600 V network from Milano to Varese and Porto Ceresio was transformed into a standard 3000 V catenary-powered line. Trains composed of an E.623, a couple of Corbellini coaches and a cab control car where very frequent on the lines from Milano to Varese, Novara, Bergamo, Alessandria, Domodossola up to about 1984/85, when the spreading of new doubledecker coaches offered a greatly improved quality and capacity standard for commuters. E.623 and the cab control car where originally painted by Claudio Vianini from Milan. Epoche 4 |
FS E.424 + Le 803
Multiple units by Franco Sartori Epoche 4 |